Friday, September 19, 2008

Paradoxical Reality

  • Update: We are still staying with Scott & Ashley near Dallas, TX (and are extremely grateful for their hospitality to both us and our dogs). We are planning on heading down to Dickinson, TX tomorrow, Saturday 9-21, to stay with other friends from our church. We'll be meeting with our flood insurance adjuster on Sunday afternoon and will hopefully be able to update this page with some pictures that night (if we have internet access). It will have been over a week since the storm hit that we'll get to even see our house. As mentioned in the previous post, it looks like we had 4-5 feet of water in our house (which made our pool almost 11 feet deep at it's peak!) We're expecting the worst and hoping for the best, but actually somewhat relieved to be able to stop wondering about all the details and get to see everything for ourselves.
  • Perspective: I believe some of the most ironic and 'paradoxical' (it's a word I made up) things we face in our lives are often due to God's sense of humor and His desire to teach or remind us of His will and initiative in our lives. The last sermon our Pastor, Clay Thomas, preached the Sunday before the storm is summarized by "God's more interested in our character than our comfort". Furthermore, I've been reading the book The Barbarian Way, (which for those of you who know me realize that this alone is a paradox in itself as I've read a total of maybe 3 books in my life) and a couple quotes from the text are "True religion always moves us to serve others and to give our lives to see those oppressed find freedom" and also "We look to Him to lead us where He needs us most and where we can accomplish the most good". Hurricane Ike was a catastropic and devasting event whose effects will continue to be felt for a long time, but also what an opportunity for believers (better described as "experiencers", also from the book) with faith in Jesus Christ to be the salt and light the world and specifically Galveston needs so desperately right now. Genesis 50:20 says "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." God's insight and eternal perspective trumps any feeling and emotion we may experience temporarily and assures us that following His path alone is where we find everything we'll ever need no matter the circumstances. Finally, this last verse is one of my favorites and I believe gives a glimpse into the character and perspective God has for us. Acts 17:20 says "God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." God's desire is for us to desire Him and Him alone.
  • Thanks: We would like to again express our gratitude and appreciation for all of the support and prayers we've received from everyone. What an opportunity to see the body of Christ at work in our lives, and honestly this has been more overwhelming to each of us than even having to deal with everything else. Thanks does not justify our gratefulness and we can only pray that God will bless you the way you have blessed us.


Anonymous said...

Your strength amazes me.
